Attac Norge og hele det globale Attac-nettverket vil få uttrykke den dypeste medfølelse og solidaritet i denne tunge stund.
Det grusomme angrepet er ubegripelig, og ord blir fattige. Som politiske aktivister er vi alle rammet.
Vi vil få uttrykke vår største respekt for måten dere i AUF har reagert etter at tragedien var et faktum. Deres heltmodige unge aktivister som gjorde alt for å redde liv, de kloke uttalelsene for mer demokrati, mer humanitet og mer solidaritet.
Sammen med AUF har og vil Attac fortsette å kjempe for et mer åpent samfunn der demokratiske og solidariske verdier ligger til grunn. Gjennom vår felles politiske kamp og våre felles idealer skal vi vinne. Vi står sammen med dere i sorgen og kampen.
Benedikte Pryneid Hansen, leder
Jeg sender med de varme hilsenene vi har mottatt fra Attac verden over:
We are stunned by the violence and the brutality of the acts that affect Norway. Our warmest thoughts are with you all.
Claude and Catherine
My deepest condolences to everyone, also in name of Attac Portugal. Our thoughts are with the families and friends who lost loved ones in this horrendous act.
In solidarity,
Luís Bernardo
Attac Portugal
Today in Genoa with a demo we commemorate 2001 events, the unaccountable violence of the attacks in Norway shoked all us.
Valeria, Attac Italia
What happened is awful and incredible.
Accept my condoleances and condoleances from all those of us who you met in Greece.
My thoughts are going to all these fantastic people I met in Oslo last time, and is me very hard for me to believe they are now concerned and may be even amongst the victims or the relatives of victims…
With deep consternation
Thanos, Attac Hellas
Words fail us. We send you our warmest condolences for your tragic loss. This is horrible beyond belief.
with the warmest regards,
for Attac Iceland, Árni Daníel
Dear friends,
We stay with you in solidarity… And send most condolences from friends in Poland…
Warm regards, Piotr
Please accept my condoleances and those of all the members of Attac France.
Our support to the victims, their families, and the people of Norway, we are at your side in these terrible moments.
It is with great sadness that we receive news of this barbaric act that we strongly condemn.
On behalf of all the activists from ATTAC/CADTM Morocco, please accept our most sincere condolences to you, attac Norway activists, victims’ families and all people of Norway!
for Attac / Morocco CADTM
Jawad Moustakbal
Warmest solidarity to all of you on behalf of Attac Spain. No words are appropriate in such situation.
With caring thoughts,
Cristina Asensi
Dear Benedikte and all our Norwegian friends,
we are deeply shocked and sad about this terrible massacre. We are mourning for our common friends.
Please accept Attac Germany’s sincere condolence.
Warm regards
We feel sorrow in our soul about this. Please accept our solidarity and be sure the Hungarian ATTAC chapter condemn the terrible and horrifying act killing innocent people.
In solidarity,
Matyas Benyik
President, ATTAC Hungary
Dear Benedikte and friends in Attac Norway,
What happened yesterday in Oslo leaves one without words.
Please accept my and ATTAC Austrias condolences on the tragic losses. We are thinking of you, your friends and colleagues and especially the families who have lost their dear ones and we are sending all our love and support.
Warm regards
As a Belgian singer wrote in an open letter after his wife had been massacred : “Il faut reboiser l’âme humaine”; which translate into something like “one must replant trees in the human soul”.
Our thoughts are with you.
Don’t loose heart.
Attac Belgium
Please accept my and ATTAC Finlands condolences on the tragic loss. My heart goes out for you and your comrades and especially for the families for their tragic unimaginable loss.
ATTAC Finland