Letter from Iceland on IceSave
In yet another turn of the IceSave saga, the people of Iceland are to vote on Saturday in yet another referendum on whether to accept collective responsibility for the debts …
Letter from Iceland on IceSave Lesa meiraVið getum breytt
In yet another turn of the IceSave saga, the people of Iceland are to vote on Saturday in yet another referendum on whether to accept collective responsibility for the debts …
Letter from Iceland on IceSave Lesa meiraSubmitted by admin on Mán, 28/03/2011 – 00:00 Höfundur: Ýmsir Thanks to Helga Thordardottir for sending a copy of a letter sent to Dominique Strauss-Kahn and José Manuel Barroso ahead of …
Letter to Dominique Strauss-Kahn and José Manuel Barroso ahead of Iceland national referendum Lesa meiraA copy of the following letter has been sent by a small Icelandic group campaigning in advance of theforthcoming referendum on the terms of the Icesave deal with Britain and …
Questions for the ECB ahead of the Icelandic Icesave Referendum Lesa meiraVið, undirritaðir, telju brýna þörf fyrir Endurskoðunarnefnd til að fara í saumana á opinberum skuldum Grikkja. Núverandi stefna ESB og AGS í meðferð opinberra skulda hefur í för með sér …
Endurskoðunarnefnd fyrir opinberar skuldir Grikklands Lesa meira