Islande : NON et encore NON!
Le 9 avril 2011, les Islandais ont refusé, à près de 60%, de payer pour assumer les erreurs de ceux qui ont conduit leur pays dans l’abîme. Ils ont une …
Islande : NON et encore NON! Lesa meiraVið getum breytt
Le 9 avril 2011, les Islandais ont refusé, à près de 60%, de payer pour assumer les erreurs de ceux qui ont conduit leur pays dans l’abîme. Ils ont une …
Islande : NON et encore NON! Lesa meiraAttac á Íslandi óskar þjóðinni til hamingju með þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsluna um Icesave á morgun. Með því að krefjast þess að greidd verði atkvæði um Icesave hefur almenningur sent þau skilaboð bæði …
Attac á Íslandi óskar þjóðinni til hamingju með þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsluna um Icesave Lesa meiraSaturday’s referendum is a chance for Icelanders to strike at the conspiracy that leaves us all bailing out financiers On Saturday the Icelandic people vote in a referendum on whether …
Iceland, fight this injustice Lesa meiraIn yet another turn of the IceSave saga, the people of Iceland are to vote on Saturday in yet another referendum on whether to accept collective responsibility for the debts …
Letter from Iceland on IceSave Lesa meiraSubmitted by admin on Mán, 28/03/2011 – 00:00 Höfundur: Ýmsir Thanks to Helga Thordardottir for sending a copy of a letter sent to Dominique Strauss-Kahn and José Manuel Barroso ahead of …
Letter to Dominique Strauss-Kahn and José Manuel Barroso ahead of Iceland national referendum Lesa meiraPourquoi aujourd’hui revenir sur la crise islandaise ? Ce petit pays n’est plus guère sous les feux de l’actualité. Certes il a connu une crise bancaire et financière spectaculaire qui …
Crise, Faillite et Défaut : Economie et Politique de la Restructuration de la Dette Islandaise Lesa meiraA copy of the following letter has been sent by a small Icelandic group campaigning in advance of theforthcoming referendum on the terms of the Icesave deal with Britain and …
Questions for the ECB ahead of the Icelandic Icesave Referendum Lesa meiraLe président de la République islandaise Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson vient de refuser, pour la deuxième fois, de promulguer la loi dite “Icesave” autorisant l’État à rembourser aux Pays-Bas et au …
Islande : l’odieux chantage Lesa meiraThe debt restructuring is the foremost issue in Iceland, with the so-called Icesave issue on the top of the agenda right now. The government has made a deal with Great …
DEBT RESTRUCTURING AND CONSTITUTIONAL ASSEMBLY IN ICELAND Lesa meiraAttac samtökin krefjast þess að forseti Íslands vísi Icesave samningnum til þjóðarinnar og tryggi með því lágmarkslýðræði. Yfirstjórnendur Landsbankans gátu í mannfjandsamlegu kerfi fjármálaauðvalds og að áeggjan alþjóðlegra matsfyrirtækja opnað …
IceSave er sköpunarverk fjármálafyrirtækja, aflandseyjarinnar City of London og ríkisvalds sem þjónar alþjóðaauðvaldinu. Lesa meira